The commitment and the basic task of the National Health Insurance Fund as the organization of compuslory social insurance is to ensure that insured persons may exercise their healthcare rights governed by the Law on Health Insurance and implementing provisions enacted based on that law.
Insured persons may exercise their healthcare rights in healthcare institutions with which the National Health Insurance Fund has entered into contracts on funding and provision of healthcare services.
Health insurance rights are exercised based on the validated health insurance document (health card, certificate of healthcare service use and health insurance card).
Compulsory Health Insurance Includes:
1. health insurance in case of illness and non-work related injury;
2. Health insurance in case or work-related injury or occupational illness.
Rights under compulsory health insurance:
1. right to healthcare,
1) illness prevention and early detection measures;
2) examining and providing treatments to women in relation to family planning, as well as during pregnancy and mother-care up to 12 months after giving birth;
3) examinations and treatments in case of illness and injury;
4) examinations and treatments of mouth and teeth diseases;
5) medical rehabilitation in case of illness and inhury;
6) medicines and medical devices;
7) Prostheses, orthoses and other aids for walking, standing and sitting, aids for vision, hearing, speech, dental prosthetics and other aids (hereinafter referred to as: the medical-technical aids).
2. Right to salary reimbursement during the insuree’s temporary inability to work (salary reimbursement) and
3. Right to reimbursement of travel costs in relation to use of jhealthcare services (travel costs reimbursement).
Right to healthcare as the right under compulsory health insurance is established in the оrganizational units of the National Health Insurance Fund.